2018/02/10Our members Carl Sung and Ivy Yung are co-organizing a hiking event for us. RSVP. Here is their invitaion: We are going to go hiking on the second Saturday of February and would like to invite you to join us.
2018/02/10Our members Carl Sung and Ivy Yung are co-organizing a hiking event for us. RSVP. Here is their invitaion: We are going to go hiking on the second Saturday of February and would like to invite you to join us.
The event is postponed for a week to Jan 30 due to cold weather warning. Date: 30 January 2016 (Sat) Time: 10am Meet up point: Diamond Hill MTR (Heng Seng Bank) Route: Ng Fai Tin (五塊田) to Po Toi O (布袋澳) – 3-hour walk http://www.hike.hk/load.jsp?route=tyy&page=1 We can have lunch at Po Toi O afterwards. If […]
In the afternoon of May 26th a bunch of us paid a trip to Park Island for bowling, exploration, and some great food. We gathered at the ferry pier in Central. A handful of us enjoyed our time chatting and catching up at the ferry pier, and was joined by those who were already on […]
The hiking event is back after two years. It happened on October 28, and this time the route is from Siu Sai Wan to Shek O. The journey started at the McDonald’s in Island Resort where our ten participants gathered and mingled. The first part of the trail was all uphill. After about 30 minutes […]
We are in the process of organizing a team to take part in the Green Power Hike this coming year again. The time, the race will be held on January 29, 2011 (Saturday). The activity is a fund-raising walkathon for Green Power, a charity that focuses on local environmental problem. For information about the activity, […]
Our next activity is going to be another hiking. The route goes through the Hok Tau Reservoir area and Sha Lo Tung Village, and we will alsovisit Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve. The Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve is Hong Kong’s first of its kind and in there you may come across 200 different kinds of butterflies […]
Title: Hiking Date: May 16, 2009 (Saturday) Time: 09:30am Location: Hong Kong Trail from Parkview to Stanley Gap Road Last month when we were having our hiking event, rain poured so hard that it because a breakfast gathering. With the support from members and friends, we are going to organize the event again. Here are […]