- 2002
- Marcus Tin Shing Liu
- Shirley Pui Sze Kam
- 2003
- Peggy Pui-Ki Cheung
- 2004
- Joyce Cho Yuet Kung
- To promote Hong Kong students’s participation in extra-curricular activities on campus of UT and scholastic excellence
- To establish ties between Hong Kong Texas Exes and current students of UT
Naming Right
- The naming right is a once-off deal and is valid for one year. There is no need to contribute a large sum of endowment.
- Interested alumni would bid for the naming rights.
- Non-alumni may bid, subject to the approval of the Scholarship Committee.
- The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to grant any number of scholarships.
- The highest bidders will be chosen and required to sponsor the scholarships. Each chosen bidder will sponsor one scholarship.
- In case there are more than one bidder chosen, the chosen bidders may choose to pay a sum of any amount not lower than the lowest chosen bid.
- Two thirds of the amount received from each chosen bidder will go to the recipient of the scholarship he sponsors while the rest will go to the fund for our day-to-day operations.
- Each scholarship will be called “Hong Kong Texas Exes XXX Scholarship” where XXX is the name chosen by the chosen bidder. The names have to be approved by the Scholarship Committee.
- A certificate will be awarded to each scholarship recipient. The certificates will have the names of the scholarships printed on them. The words “Hong Kong Texas Exes” in the names of the scholarships will be printed at most 2/3 of the point size of the rest of the name, i.e., “XXX Scholarship”.
- The chosen bidders may sign on the certificates of the scholarships that they sponsor.
- Minimum bid is HKD3000, i.e., at least HKD2000 will be awarded to each recipient.
- The chosen bidders will not participate in the selection of the recipients of the scholarships.
- The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to change the rules.
Alumni interested in contributing to the scholarship but do not want to pay for the whole amount may offer to contribute multiples of HK$500. If there are not enough bidders for the number of scholarships we offer in a year then the Scholarship Committee will accept these contributions and the name of the scholarship in question will be “Hong Kong Texas Exes Scholarship”.