The University of Texas at Austin Hong Kong Alumni Reception, The HKTX Journal, Election of Executive Committee, Upcoming Activities
The University of Texas at Austin Hong Kong Alumni Reception, The HKTX Journal, Election of Executive Committee, Upcoming Activities
The University of Texas at Austin Hong Kong Alumni Reception, The HKTX Journal, Election of Executive Committee, Upcoming Activities
Our Oldest Hong Kong Texas Ex: D.T. Lo, The HKTX Journal, Election of Executive Committee, Upcoming Activities
Afterthoughts of the Exco Members, Two Days in Austin, HKTX Career Connection, Election of Executive Committee for Year 2015/16, Dinner with Michael Carrizales, Texas in Texas Bowl Live Watching Party
Annual General Meeting, Meeting the Students of McCombs BBA Short-Term International Program, UT Wind Ensemble Around the World Tour in Hong Kong, HKTX Career Connection, Those Were the Days: The History of HKTX Football Watching Parties (Part 2), Update on Texas Football Watching Parties
Thanksgiving Dinner, Texas Football Watching Parties, Texas Bowl Game Live Watching Party, Election of Executive Committee for Year 2014/15, Those Were the Days, HKTX Career Connection, HKTX Needs Your Help Again!
Park Island Exploring, Bowling and Thai Dinner, Dragon Boat Race Watching and Lunch with Current Business and Communications Students, HKTX Career Connection, Those Were the Days, HKTX Needs Your Help!, Seminar on Jyutping by Caesar Lun / Dim Sum Lunch
Annual General Meeting, Wondrous Semester in Hong Kong, Upcoming Events, Joint Happy Hour with UCLA Alumni, HKTX Career Connection, Those Were the Days, Watch Texas Football Bowl Game Party
Hiking Event / Red River Rivalry Watching Party, Dinner Gatherings, My Pudding Recipe, DPRK Reliance on Iran for Oil Renders It ‘Caged Bird’; PRC Must Be ‘Mindful’, The Future of Jyutping in a Triglossic Hong Kong, Mentorship Program, Those Were the Days, Election
CIBER Summer Program Students in Hong Kong, Design of Longhorn-Shaped Stylized “HKTX” Logo, The Phoenix in China – Fenghuang, Those Were the Days, August Happy Hour
Annual General Meeting, Networking among Members, CIBER Summer Program Students in Hong Kong, Celine’s First Taste of Motherhood, Fusion Gourmet, First Happy Hour