Thanksgiving Dinner @ YMCA


Thanksgiving is coming! As in the previous few years, Hong Kong Texas Exes is going to host a party to celebrate this holiday. This year, we are going to bring you turkey. Below are the details:

Event: Thanksgiving Dinner
Date: November 23, 2006 (Thanksgiving Day)
Time: 7-930pm (Restaurant starts serving dinner at 615pm)
Venue: The Salisbury Restaurant, Level 4 YMCA, 41 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui (Tel. 2268-7000)
Food: Buffet with turkey

Damage: Member $200, adult with early bird discount (booked before November 20) $200, adult non-member adult $220, child $130

Victor has just gone to Austin and has brought back a number of UT items. There are T-shirts, wrist bands, coffee mugs, football special 2006, caps, etc. We are going to auction some of these items off during the dinner to raise some money for the organization. If you are interested in bidding for these items, please write an email to us.

Please book as soon as you can as seats are limited. Please deposit $100 per person into the following HSBC account:


or pay by credit card though Paypal (Note: You do not need to be a Paypal member. US$13.5 is treated as HK$100 due to charges.):

The balance will be payable on the spot. Remember that it is $20 more expensive per head if you book after November 20. So, please book now!

We hope to see you there!