Flying Longhorns Farewell Cocktail Party @ Conrad Hilton Hotel


Title: Flying Longhorns Farewell Cocktail Party
Date: October 13 (Sunday)
Time: 630pm
Location: Conrad Hilton Hotel


September 4, 2002

TO: UT Alumni in Hong Kong

FROM: Nancy Knapp Kocurek, International Alumni Relations Director

Greetings from UT and more specifically The Texas Exes! I’m pleased to tell you that a group of Texas Exes travelers and friends are coming to your part of the world. The Flying Longhorns is the name of The Texas Exes (UT alumni) travel program. We send about 35 groups each year on trips all over the globe. This particular group will spend a few days, October 12 & 13, in Hong Kong as their last stop on a two-week tour of China.

It is always a special treat to meet our UT alumni living in the places we visit. We are pleased to invite you to meet our group of travelers at the Conrad Hilton Hotel for their Farewell Cocktail Party on Sunday, October 13, at 6:30 p.m. The charge for the party is $35 US.

Please notify me as soon as possible by e-mail, fax, or phone if you plan to attend, so that we can make appropriate arrangements and keep you informed of any changes. Please provide your credit card information, so we can bill your account for $35. Be sure to include: type of card (we take MasterCard, Visa, and American Express), the name on the card, the number on the card, and the expiration date.

If you can attend, please also tell us something about yourself – like your UT degree and year, if you are a native of Hong Kong and, if not, where are you originally from, what kind of work do you do, do you have a family, etc.

An itinerary of the trip is enclosed. We welcome your personal suggestions for favorite or unique restaurants, shops, and sights in any of the locations the group will visit, particularly those places the tourist might not know about.

Please share this invitation with any other University of Texas alumni you may know in this area. Our records for international alumni are often incomplete and we may have missed some people.

In addition, please help us by updating your record. If you have Internet connections, please go to our website at and click on “Update Your Information” at the top of the homepage. We are particularly eager to obtain your preferred e-mail address. Then let us know of any additional ways you would like to be involved with the Texas Exes by clicking on “International Texas Exes” on the left side of the homepage and then completing the form under “Get Involved”. These forms are enclosed in case you are not on the Internet.

We hope you can join the group in Hong Kong!

The Texas Exes
P. O. Box 7278, Austin, Texas 78713 USA
Phone: 512/471-3814; FAX: 512/471-8832